Beata Heymann
Beata has completed 1000 hours of teacher training and has a wealth of experience over seven years teaching yoga in diverse settings. Her classes are accessible and calm, weaving in her playful nature and zen-vibes, with a focus on yoga as a tool for empowerment, to revitalise and balance the body and mind.
Students are guided to listen to their own body’s innate wisdom so they can learn to connect, trust and move from centre. Beata brings a playfulness, curiosity and open heart to her teaching of yoga, combining asana, pranayama, meditation, and chanting.
Her optimistic nature and devotion to lifelong learning means she is constantly exploring and engaging with yoga in daily life. She has taught across Australia and Europe in studios, schools and community settings.
Beata’s classes are slow and strong in Yang and soft, deep and nurturing in Yin. Beata believes that yoga can be accessible to all and welcomes everybody to the mat.